...i asked him what he was thinkin at this moment and he said "Uhh...I dont know...I was thinkin I was cold i guess" aha. quite the communicator let me tell ya.
...there were some funky doors in charlevoix so i got a couple...new ice cream shop for the teeny town...just realized what a good deal they had...buy one get one free...mannn!! haha
love love love!! ...so this miggght just be my favortite picture ive ever taken...maybe haha...the rust, the reflections, the symmetry, the lighting, the sam!! :D let me know wat u think
at the bayfront by the fort...i liked the construction of the bridge in the background with the sailboats and such...and all the cool tones...once again tho...it was quite chilly hah
(this is the start of my st. augustine pics...it was a good trip...rather chillly...the town is quite cutsy/tacky/historical if that could be one word i would use it but its not so yep haha but overall fun trip!!)
...so i find that after about a week of not having the time to take decent pics i become rather photo deprived and resort to editing oldies late at night when i should be doing hw...usually they aren't as good as most because they weren't exaclty eye-popping to me at first...but yes...this is an oldie from ann arbor that i took rather impromptu-ly...pretty darn sweet ethiopian restaurant...let me know wat ya think :)