Friday, June 19, 2009

Gratitude Challenge

I was challenged by Tara Whitney (, an incredibly inspiring photographer from California, to take the gratitude challenge. That is, to take five pictures in one day that express gratitude. I absolutely loved the idea and yesterday was spent being grateful for all the many things I've been blessed with.

#1 I am grateful for my quiet time. The time I can spend intimately knowing God more deeply. There's nothing better than waking up, praying and opening His word.

#2 I am grateful for alone time at Panera. I love that I can spend time reading a book with a good lunch and be wonderfully content. Oh! ..and of course the mountain dew!

#3 I am grateful for these girls (and Kylie the doggie)! I have watched these little lovelies grow up and I just love every ounce of them. The giggles, the constant bandaids (note: pointer finger), freckles sprinkled across the nose, random dancing, and dress up, of course! Thank you Lord for this family!
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1 comment:

Raj said...