Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today was a beautiful day of teaching. Things went smoothly, besides the occassional bumps that must happen daily in a third grade classroom. Even my not-so-strong subjects that I teach went well! But I can't give any of the credit to myself. It was only through prayer and petition that the Lord granted me His words to teach. The day concluded beautifully with what we like to call "Ketchup Time" also known as time to catch up on well...whatever. Both of the girls ended up pulling out their pencils and Crayolas. It was simply a moment of bliss. For everyone. I watched as they silently created their own thoughts in drawing. Bella drew a manger scene with baby Jesus while Lexy chose to use "cool colors" to create a drawing emitting the emotion of being "calm." The Postal Service is their new favorite music to work to. Lexy says it sounds like "water." I was so inspired and filled with the Lord watching them. I snagged my camera and took a few snapshots of the moment...

I love this picture of Lexy's hands...she is such a little woman in so many ways yet her hands are still such baby hands. So much innocence.
Both of the girls were so consumed in their creations that the tongue only popped out naturally. It makes me smile...

The box that allows for the creativity flow:
Teaching is such a joy...with highs and lows no doubt...but moments like these make the lows seem like a grain of sand in a sandbucket. I can only give God my gratitude for this wonderful opportunity that is just beginning to unfold.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coole Fotos, natürlich oder in Szene gesetzt, zum richteigen der Zeitpunkt ...Klick...;)